Saturday, February 10, 2007

So Much For Waiting...

It's here. The much awaited, awful bill has shown it's language with full bigotry. I'm not sure if I spoke too soon or if they were just waiting until I was an inch off guard. Either way, it's back.

The bill has the same name as last year and worse, the same intent. The goal is to make it so in loco parentis isn't allowable to people like me - families like mine. Now it's time to gather the other non-bio moms out there to fight this damn thing. Again. The problem is, they don't come out. For some reason, they all think they'll never break up or nothing will ever happen that will put their child in jeopardy of losing them. It doesn't matter. If nothing does, great! But don't you think, as a parent, you'd fight just in case? As a great local attorney said last year, "where are all the mama bears?"

Another problem is that maybe we're not our best arguement. Do they really care that our children might not be protected? Do they care that a wicked lesbian might not be able to raise her daughter? We need step-parents and grandparents. We need the hetero's to come out in droves.

We might lose this one. We're hearing that it's a "done deal" and I suppose I'd be smarter to just focus on how to fight it once it passes. I'll do that too. But, until then, I'll fight it like I've fought this all along. In loco parentis is about a parent and child. It's not about gay marriage or any relationship between two adults. I'll fight because she's worth it. And every other parent after me and every other child deserves fairness and truth and justice.

Now where are my people?