Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, here we are, another year gone by.

Someone from CNN asked me if 2006 was a good year for me. I voted yes. So did 76% of the rest. It's true. I think the year, as a whole, was good. My family is healthy. We still have a roof over our heads. We have everything we need and more. The world is only 1/2 coming apart and global warming is finally getting some attention. While things could be better, I think we're all hanging in there rather well.

I made a resolution. Time. I want to be better at time. I want to be better with time. I want to appreciate my time more. I want to arrive on time. I want to manage my time better. That's my goal. I announced this to my partner and I'm guessing she internally rolled her eyes but I'm really going to do it. I mean, why not? I'm not in a position to lose 20 pounds. It's the opposite actually. I'd like to be pregnant the whole year of 2007 and gain another 20! That's more of a goal... & I'm not in a position to say I'll be more patient because Lord knows I'm tired of waiting for anything these days. I'd rather just do something I know I can do but still have to work hard for.

Last year I spent New Years Eve with my daughter. Texas does amazing things during holidays. They have firework stands like I've never seen. We bought bags full and spent the whole night charming her with fountains and giant "up to the sky" fireworks. They used to be my favorite things. I even got married on the 4th of July just so I'd have fireworks at all my anniversaries. Unfortunately, I only had a couple before it fell apart. Now fireworks remind me of that night, last year. I can see a beautiful little four year old - eyes wide open - cheering for every one to last longer and get bigger and go farther. She is the magic of fireworks to me. She brings magic to everything.

Happy New Year baby! I hope your night was filled with amazing lights in the sky and frilly horns and dancing feet! May 2007 bring us peace & happiness.