Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day Memories

While today was hard, I did my best to appreciate the love in my life. Cristy and I woke up and headed north to our favorite coffee vendor. We had a quiet breakfast and avoided any kind of Mother's Day fest our families were having. It was just what I needed and I'm grateful that she gave up her day to be with me in a different place.

I got home this afternoon and read some of your comments. I thought about so many of you today. Leah, thanks for commenting here. I am happy to hear from you as always, but especially today. I hope you found yourself surrounded by love and friendship today. All of you. All of us.


My best Mother's Day ever went a bit like this:

It was two years ago and Gracie and I celebrated at our house with friends and family. Cristy had bought a gift for her to give to me for Mother's Day.

Me: Gracie! This is such a pretty box! What in the world could it be?

Gray: I don't know ?? (Very Puzzled) Open it, open it! (Very Demanding!)

I opened a beautiful little ring with little diamonds - her Favorite. I looked at her and gave her a big love with a big thank you. In return...

Gray: Wow diamonds - Happy BIRTHDAY, Mommy!

Mother's Day, Birthday, etc...does it really matter if there are diamonds involved? :)