Monday, May 28, 2007

She's back...

Wow. What an experience! I have been sitting here thinking (for four days) just how incredible the process through IVF has been. And then FET on top of that and just the fact that there's any percentage that it might work - I'm just stunned.

I have to say that the procedure of putting the embies in was nothing compared to getting them in the first place. Unfortunately we used what we had so if by chance we need to try again - it's from the beginning. Cute story tho: when signing permission to use my eggs, the hospital also made Cristy sign away rights to use the embryos. I thought it was very considerate. I love that her name is on that document.

The four days have been nothing to talk about. I laid down for way too long and by the time Saturday evening came, I was going out of my mind. Lucky for me, my best girls came over and catered to my every need. Cristy went to a wedding (btw, beeeutiful!) so we had some good girl talk and then ate hateful food and played games when she got home. She took very good care of me but I don't do very well being down when I'm feeling fine. I'm sure I gave her some good heaven points just for sticking it out.

Now we're in the TWW. We have a beta test on June 8th ish so I'll be sure to keep you updated. The only thing I'm feeling is pain from giant ovaries but that's nothing new for me. We'll see how the imaginative symptoms starts creeping in over the next week.

What a perfect weekend here in Salt Lake City! Seriously!
Big Love!